Notes on Talavera aequipes

Talavera aequipes male Copyright: Peter Harvey
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From Miscellaneous Notes on Spiders in the Doncaster Museum Arachnid Collections (1) by C.A. Howes
Euophrys aequipes (0. P-Camb.) new V.C. 63 record

From The Newsletter No. 9 April 1974

A male taken by John Burn 24/5/1970, was on deeply fissured bark of an ancient crack willow (Salix fragilis L.) at Potteric Carr, adjacent to the Yorkshire Naturalists' Trust "Low Ellers Marsh' Nature Reserve (S.E. 597009).
Added by John Partridge at 15:57 on Fri 30th Dec 2011. Return to Summary for Talavera aequipes